Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A+, Seyda!!

I was looking around at some more classmates' blogs when I came across Seyda's incredible blog post about the crowning of the Indian-descent Miss America. Seyda wrote a heartfelt review of what you really must be to be considered American. She  talked about how recent your family immigrated to America doesn't matter because she is still American. The truth is that the new Miss America was born and raised in America and this is the only lifestyle she's ever known. She is 100% American and that is what should count. Plus this is beauty pageant, who can honestly say they matter anyway... The only thing I would have liked was for Seyda to have continued her rant because it seemed like she had a lot of interesting things to say. (And maybe fix a few typos. It's okay, Seyda, we all make them!) If you'd like to check out Seyda's super cool post, you can read it here:

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