Tuesday, September 24, 2013

All About Books...

     Mr. Miller recently gave us a looong lecture on the reason why books are so fantastic. I agree with him that books are an awesome invention, but we seemed to only talk about what books did in the past. I would have liked to talk about what we think the future of books will be. Will the soon only be digitally published? How have items like Nooks and eReaders affected the book industry? These questions and more are some ideas I would have liked to hear about. It seemed like in the newspapers discussion we talked a lot about the future of newspapers. I would liked to have talk about that with books. Books are now available digitally and printing houses are being deeply affected by this. I think the topic of the future of books would have been a cool idea to discuss. I think their future is hazier than that of newspapers.
    I did enjoy learning about all the things Gutenberg's printing press gave us. I thought it was cool that so many useful things came from one invention. The printing press helped boost literacy rates, books were more affordable, the Protestant Reformative happened, spread ideas of democracy, published invention blueprints, dictionaries, and gave us maps. All from one little machine. It is pretty cool that all this came from one machine that came from centuries of perfecting.

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