Thursday, November 14, 2013

Brigid's Review of the Internet- Dun Dun Dun

     I was checking out Brigid's blog because I wanted to see what she was thinking about our class discussions. She reviewed our lecture on internet and I think she brought up some good points. The internet has taken away from the underground culture, but I also think it has created some subcultures, and added elements into older cultures. She brought up the point of anime, which in all honesty I know nothing about. Brigid is right anime is a new subculture defined by internet.
     Though the internet has stopped exclusiveness, it has also created new things. Just because people can access information doesn't mean they will. I could start reading anime, but that doesn't interest me. In some sense it is an underground culture to me.  The internet has made everything open, but you cannot know everything. There will always be cultures you don't know about, so in a sense underground will never die. Underground is liking something that seems exclusive or unknown. As soon as the rest of the internet gets a whiff of the new subculture the hipsters will move on to something new. I don't believe that underground will fade away because there will always be a new exciting thing to talk about.

To read Brigid's opinion visit this site:

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