Thursday, November 14, 2013

Morgan's Movie Review

   Morgan posted about her ideas about the movie lecture from class. The post was long and detailed. She talked about what happened in the lecture. Some of the important things she brought up were the social, cultural, and immersive aspects of movies.
    Like Morgan says movies are a social event that people love to go to. They are fun thing to do with people. They are also a good way to see cultural aspects of countries. Different countries cultures are shown in the movies, they are reflected in the clothes they were, the words they use, and the behaviors they use. The movies are also immersive in the fact that they entertain all our senses. Morgan goes into much more detail in her version of the lecture.
     I only wish Morgan had talked about why the movies matter to her. Maybe added a personal touch to the lecture review. Otherwise her lecture review was great!

To read Morgan's review click here:

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