Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Keep Your Selfies on Instagram

     WAVE 3 published an article all about how a dad was posting selfies of his four week year old daughter, and that it went viral. The article was purely meant to gain our attention. The story is irrelevant to the news and our lives. Not only is the story frivolous, but it also takes place on the other side of the country. he family that was involved in the article don't even live in Kentucky. They are from Oregon.
     The other sad part of this article is that the picture used in the article was from CNN. That means that not only has a local source reported on it, but a national source too. This isn't a real news story, so why are news organizations reporting on it. 
     WAVE got the article idea from Buzzfeed, a website that is based on cute stories like this. Buzzfeed is meant for fun, frothy news, not actual reporting. 
     The article was originally reported on October 19th, but updated on October 29th. This means that they actually went back to improve a silly article over actually reporting on something worthwhile.
     WAVE needs to leave the cute, fun articles to Buzzfeed and start reporting on real news.

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